Contact Us
I want to get published.
How can I submit my manuscript?
Thank you for your interest in publishing with us. Please send them to in any readable format. Each submission will be screened by our Penwings’ team members to check for its potential success and market value. We will get back to you in 2 weeks once your submission is made. Manuscripts are piling up now and we may be late on our replies. Feel free to follow up with us if we have not replied within the stated time period.
We are currently only accepting Young Adult works of fiction, poetry, novels and short stories. Biographies, Children’s books, Erotica, Comics, Horror are not in our capacity to evaluate and market at the moment.
Submission requirements and formatting:
- Include a cover letter when sending your manuscript (explain briefly what your novel/poetry manuscript is about).
- For novels, include a brief synopsis of your story and plot line as a separate document when submitting your manuscript.
- Use a standard font (Times New Roman size 12 or Arial size 11) in your manuscript.
- For novel manuscripts, use left alignment and justified.
- 1.5 or double line paragraph spacing.
- You may send a full manuscript (For poetry 200-250 pages of content. For novel minimum 200 pages) or a half manuscript (maximum 50 page of content for both novel/poetry).