What’s Your Name?
Written by Melody Ong | @wonderbymelo Rule #2 Never give them your name, you will be enslaved Fae folks love tricking humans into giving their names
Written by Melody Ong | @wonderbymelo Rule #2 Never give them your name, you will be enslaved Fae folks love tricking humans into giving their names
@hdhaikal11 Broken. Swiftly, you broke me,Into pieces, my body,My heart, in two,Fragments, swept through. Dangerous for innocence,To play with nonsense.I lost the game of true
Written by Haikal Danial | @hdhaikal11 On the midnight of June 24th 2004, a biological research lab near the town of Yukagir, in the Far
@goldbergchanpoetry | medium The Proposal. never will webe apartforever even indeath together never will wedine alone in a coldnovember never will weshed a tear from
Written by Nuraina | @heyainaaa On the last day of Ramadan, Mr. Hijazi led the dua for his family while the sound of the Adhan echoed
Written by Safwah Abdul Razak | @safwah.ak Diana looked at her daughter’s mouth, with bits and pieces of chawanmushi everywhere. They were sitting together at